Isha bopardikar
Ph.D Student
RESEARCH INTERESTS I have been studying marine mammals since 2014 and my research has primarily focused on understanding their vocal and communication behaviour. My recent project in collaboration with the Center for Conservation Bioacoustics (Cornell University) involves using the vocalisations produced by cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales) to answer broadscale ecological questions related to population densities, space use and occurrence patterns. Through this project we are testing the use of novel techniques to study certain species that are difficult to monitor using traditional survey methods. In the future, I am keen to expand my research beyond the marine ecosystem, and test similar methods to study mammalian species in a terrestrial environment. Projects Involved: Detecting rare species with acoustics arrays PERSONAL AND OTHER INTERESTS
When I am not looking at spectrograms or listening to the dolphins, I enjoy watching and reading Sci-Fi, and baking. I also watch tons of masterchef (fieldwork special) and DIY videos (which rarely make it to execution). ![]()
- Jog K., Sule M., Damle H., Bopardikar I., Sutaria D., (2019). Post-mortem attentive behaviour (PAB) in Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea). Accepted in Current Science.
- Bopardikar I., Sutaria D., Sule M., Jog K., Patankar V., Klinck H., (2018). Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India. In Marine Mammal Science DOI:10.1111/mms.12479.
- Jog K., Sule M., Bopardikar I., Patankar V., Sutaria D., (2017). Living with dolphins: Local ecological knowledge and perceptions of small cetaceans along the Sindhudurg coastline of Maharashtra, India. In Marine Mammal Science DOI:10.1111/mms.12466.
- Sutaria D., Bopardikar I., Sule M., (2017): Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris from India. Primary Paper SC/67A/SM/08. International Whaling Commission, Slovenia.
- Sule M., Bopardikar I., Jog K., Jamalabad A., Panicker D., Tregenza N., Sutaria D., (2017): A review of Neophocaena phocaenoides records from India, with a special focus on the population in Sindhudurg, Maharashtra. Primary Paper SC/67A/SM/09. International Whaling Commission, Slovenia.
- Sutaria D., Sule M., Jog K., Bopardikar I., Panicker D., Jamalabad A., (2017): Baleen whale records from India. Primary Paper SC/67A/CMP/03. International Whaling Commission, Slovenia.
- Sutaria D., Sule M., Jog K., Bopardikar I., Panicker D., Jamalabad A., (2016): Baleen whale records from the Arabian Sea, India June 2015-2016. Primary Paper SC/66B/SH/34. International Whaling Commission, Slovenia.
- Sutaria D., Panicker D., Jog K., Sule M., Muralidharan R., & Bopardikar I., (2015): Chapter Nine- Humpback dolphins (Genus Sousa) in India: An overview of status and conservation issues. In Advances in marine biology, 72, 229-256.